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This page provides you with the latest offers and special buys for Screwfix, one of the UK's largest retailers focusing on of DIY tools and hardware products. There are over 200 Screwfix stores in the UK, where you can find various products from power tools and hand tools to CCTV and Smart Home electrics. You can enjoy exclusive offers on items like gardening products, electricals, DIY tools and much more. These deals are very popular among the customers and supplies are limited so hurry up and don't miss any of them!

Screwfix is one of the biggest home improvement companies in the UK, established in 1979 as the Woodscrew Supply Company. In 1999 Screwfix was acquired by Kingfisher plc and also launched the first company website. Nowadays, the company has grown an international multi-channel business with a huge network of stores in the UK and other countries.

Screwfix offers customers both ways of shopping, in-store and online. The company constantly implements new services to make shopping easier, such as Click&Collect system or free delivery on orders over £50. Screwfix App, available on iOS and Android, is also one of the ways to make the process of ordering goods faster and more accessible. Moreover, the company regularly publishes new catalogues with special discounts on both well-known and exclusive brands and takes part in international shopping events like Black Friday.