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This page provides you with the latest offers and special buys for Poundland, a British store chain selling a great variety of products. Poundland offers best prices than its competitors, selling most items at the single price of £1. The company has over 500 stores in the UK, where you can find plenty of quality goods in different shopping categories, such as food and drink, health and beauty, items for home and garden, DIY and more. Every week you can find here sales of selected heavily discounted items.

Poundland is a British discount supermarket chain, established in 1990 by Dave Dodd and Steven Smith. The founder’s idea to sell every item in store for £1 eventually became the key to the company’s success in the UK and Northern Ireland. Nowadays, more than 3000 products presented in over 850 Poundland stores are highly appreciated by the constantly increasing number of customers.

Poundland’s strategy to sell items for £1 is not the only one that is applied in their stores. Since the 2010s the company started selling goods for £2 and £5, which expand the range of offered products. Among the great variety of products that can be found in Poundland stores, there are not only well-known brands but also various exclusive ones. In 2017 Poundland and Pep&Co became partners and since then customers can find Pep&Co clothing items in almost every Poundland store.